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Midlife can bring with it some fundamental shifts that uproot us from the stability we once believed we had. It is a time when we can start to question where we are and what is truly meaningful to us. But I invite you to begin thinking of this phase of your life, not as a time of crisis, but as a time of ‘unveiling’ your true self.


The search for meaning in life is a personal quest, and it is the key to living a happy, fulfilling life.  And yet, achieving the clarity to know what is truly meaningful to us can take some work. But we can’t all quit our day jobs and skip off to India in search of self-discovery (as fruitful as it is for some), and nor do we need to. This is a journey that takes place within. And what we find helps us live with intention in every aspect of our lives, to serve ourselves and others in the best way we can – as parents, as partners, as leaders.


I’m here to offer you the tools I have developed on my own quest for meaning and clarity. Having established a life that I truly love and that’s rich with purpose, I’m eager to share the methods and practices I have established, as well as the expertise of my experience as a certified life and leadership coach. I can help you navigate the journey within, to unlock the answers you already have. Trust me, it’s all there. This is a time to meet your truest and most authentic self.

Midlife is when the universe gently places her hands upon your shoulders, pulls you close, and whispers in your ear: “I’m not screwing around. All of this pretending and performing – these coping mechanisms that you’ve developed to protect yourself from feeling inadequate and getting hurt – has to go. Your armour is preventing you from growing into your gifts.
Brené Brown


Searching for meaning in midlife is perfectly natural. As our circumstances evolve, so do our priorities, desires and needs, but it can be rather challenging to navigate the situation we find ourselves in, and it’s ok to need a roadmap. In a fast-changing world, we can find ourselves at the intersection of professional demands, financial needs, personal relationships and our own aspirations, unsure of where to turn.  


Whether you are transitioning through a difficult phase of your life, trying to reach the next stage of growth, or aspiring to a desired goal, coaching can help you find meaning and joy in this evolution. Maybe you’ve veered off your intended path, or discovered that the path you strode so capably down isn’t taking you where you really want to go. You could feel a constant unease that is telling you that there is more you should be doing, or an upheaval that’s left you off-kilter. If you’re feeling completely and utterly lost, it’s ok.  


Taking the time to re-evaluate is the healthiest way to move forward. It is only when we begin to explore our real desires and all the untapped talents that lie dormant within us, that we can begin to measure up to our own potential as happy, healthy and fulfilled adults.  


When we focus on our personal growth, the results of this work extend into every aspect of our lives. Many of my clients are in positions of leadership in their careers. Through our work together, they have developed a better understanding of how to harness their innate qualities to become even more effective and impactful in their professional lives.

We cannot live the afternoon of life according to the program of life’s morning, for what was great in the morning will be little at evening and what in the morning was true, at evening will have become a lie.  


Carl Jung 


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